Prayers to Saint Jude

Saint Jude10

Please use the comment section below to state your prayer/petition to Saint Jude (he will hear it!)

51 responses to “Prayers to Saint Jude

  1. Beloved Saint, whose desperate prayers by my near hopeless parents to conceive a child through your miraculous intercession brought me to them, I have counted on you all my life. Please grant me this most impossible request I trust you will obtain for me in Jesus Name. And I ask the same for all petitioners here seeking your amazing help. Bring visible and speedy help to us good holy Apostle. We love you and confidently await your reply….

  2. Dearest St.Jude, I pray to you for I feel so very hopeless. I ask for your assistance. I have been very ill and have missed work that financially I cannot afford to do. My body aches. My worry is tremendous. My finances are overwhelming. I cannot feel better with these worries. Please send some financial help right away. Also please help my brother I law with his cancer, my brother with his broken heart not being allowed to see his grad daughter due to her mom being so cruel. and hurtful. I know his pain and his son and son’s girlfriend are very mean and self consumed. I pray for my mom who had a stroke and has bad heart. I pray for my oldest daughter who has 3 young children and working so hard and for my husband and two kids at home for good health peach. Please help me and thank you.

  3. Dear St. Jude. I thank you for the numerous blessings and solutions for my problems. Please continue to assist me. I need fianncial help to pay off all debts and payments. Please i beg you to assit me by giving me a buyer for my condo and an increase in my business revenues to cover my financial needs. Please intercede for me also in asking for God’s mercy to heal my allergies so i can continue to work properly. I ask these in ajesus name. Amen.

  4. Dear St. Jude, please intercede for my granddaughter. Her relationship is in desperate need of prayer and intercession. Please pray for a lasting and life long reconciliation.
    I ask in Jesus’ name and your powerful intercession.

  5. Dear apostle St Jude

    You have been one among the elders to stand before God singing glory.
    I request you to petition to God the Father along with Jesus Mary Joseph and you to help me during the crisis hit my family.

    Help my ailng sister to attain good health
    Help humanity through the pandemic
    Help me secure a job to fulfill my financial obligations towards my Family rent and pay the debts I have with family friends and banks and to maintain cordial relationship with all
    Help our kids in learning
    Help us to keep food On the table as we face extreme situations
    Help me cope with my diabetes and be in good health to support my family kids and elders

  6. Please st Jude help us now to secure the best job and opportunities for husband and family members to the next level and sell our land, with good health of mind and body,for family members

  7. Dear St.Jude Please intercede for my son who is in Hyderabad for his flying . Let him get an opportunity to fly as his turn is never coming and he is getting restless. Please St.Jude help him and let the instructors make him fly.

  8. Please St. Jude intercede and pray for me that I receive financial freedom to become debt free

  9. Blessed St Jude – please intercede for me that I may get the Development Director position at WFBJP. This will help me attain the financial security needed and the opportunity to get out of my current challenging job situation. Thank you for your help in this situation.

  10. Nickalette Cook

    St Jude please bless me with a money windfall please intercede for me my family and my relationship today I asked for a money windfall not only from work and school and other resources but from a unexpected blessing thank you

  11. Nickalette Nicole Cook

    Please pray and intercede for me and Ramon’s relationship pray that God gives us another chance to rebuild restore our relationship please pray that we build and grow together as a couple and a family and with a beautiful marriage. Amen

  12. St. JUDE, please pray for my financial need. I am desperate. Also pray that i may have wosdom to manage what i have… Am so so desperate, Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for me


  14. John Maritato

    Dear Saint Jude – thank you for listening to my prayer and to the prayers of so many. I am desperately in need of work and money and a job. Please help me find work, to get a job and to heal my family now shattered by money worries. Thank you St. Jude.

  15. Dear St Jude, please let my relationship end in marriage this year. Thank You for all the favors you gave granted me so far.

  16. St Jude please pray for complete healing for me

  17. St. Jude Holy Apostle and friend of Jesus, my family is in dire need of peace. For a few years now it has been one problem after another, some small and some so big we almost give up sometimes. But instead we come to you for help and we know you will intercede on our behalf and make miracles happen . We are good people we want to do good
    and need some peace and tranquillity in our family, so we can help other people.
    Holy Apostle St. Jude Thank you for interceding with Jesus and his Holy Mother for us. We know you will help us.
    Thank you thank you.

  18. Dear Apostle St. Jude,
    I am asking help for my family who is poor and and my mom has health problems. Sometimes they don’t have enough money to buy the medication she needs, because other family members are also ill and they need medication too.
    They live in an area where there was big hurricane and that didn’t help.
    St. Jude I thank you for giving my mom her health back and some money
    so she can live the rest of her life with basic necessities.
    I thank you St. Jude and the Sacred Heart of Jesus to come to my moms aid
    and my whole family.

  19. Dear St. Jude, again and again I come to you for help, knowing my prayers will be answered.
    My son F is in a desperate situation that you know, as I am praying the 9 days novena. He must find a way to get out of this poisonous relationship of over 2 years once and for all and move on with his young life now. He has been verbally, mentally and abused and he finally got the courage to stop it
    but he is having huge problems doing it. Only you, the Blessed Mother, to whom I am devoted, and Jesus can help him find his way out.
    Please take care of my health, my husband and son and keep us out of harms way.
    Always thankful and immensely grateful.

  20. Linda Ranallo Moone

    Dear Saint Jude Please help my family my daughter Tara Theodosiou She really has bad problems with drinking and stealing money from me, and miss treats her 2 girls. Please I beg for your help. Thank You Amen,

  21. Derr saint jude, help me so that i can retire, and also get new job I applied for, help with issue at workl

  22. Oh Blessed Saint Jude, please pray for my family as we are suffering great financial difficulties.

  23. St. Jude I am praying fervently to keep my job. Please take my prayers to our Lord Jesus ask him for a miracle.

  24. Saint Jude, pray for us and for all who honor you and invoke your aid.
    Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases and hopeless causes, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone.
    Make use, I implore you, of this particular privilege accorded to you, intercede with God for me that He bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly, St. Jude, please assist me in these difficult financial circumstances. I beg you to shine the light on the resources that I need to help meet my debts, pay off my debts and satisfy my pressing financial obligations and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever.
    I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen
    Our Father
    Hail Mary
    Glory Be

  25. St. Jude I have worked my entire career to be successful. A committee voted to approve my promotion. DN (73) and CH (69) blocked the promotion. These two individuals have spent their lives destroying the lives and careers of other people. They step back smiling, smug and gloating about what they have done. Nobody will stop them. Nobody will help you. St. Jude PLEASE intervene and intercede on my behalf and ask the Heavenly Father to help me. Heavenly Father and St. Jude PLEASE touch the writing/scoring/ deciding/voting/judging/approving/choosing/selecting/mind/
    heart/soul/hand of the President and CEO to approve and grant the promotion I have rightfully earned and deserve. Someone has to have the courage, the strength, the wisdom to finally stand up for What is Right, What is Just, What is Fair. I have worked hard my entire career to accomplish a goal and I have earned my promotion. Heavenly Father and St. Jude Please Help Me. Heavenly Father and St. Jude Please Help Me. Heavenly Father and St. Jude Please Help Me. I Ask I Pray I Beg I Plead.

  26. Dear St. Dear St. Jude
    I humbly come to you. To ask for you for this great favor please intercede on behalf of James and my self. Please restore James and my relationship immediately. We love each other and we need your help. I am desperate please here my prayer. St. Jude, pray for James and myself and for all who invoke you aid.

  27. Dear Saint Jude, please help my son, David who is ill with kidney issues. Please guide the doctors to find a simple resolution with no long term effects for David. Please, I pray for your intercession to return David to health. Thank you for your aid in helping David.

  28. I am in desperate need of a job and am praying for an offer

  29. St Jude never known to fail me in the past. I don’t know I have my doubts I’m not getting a response and I know that you still answering it but I just want to thank you anyway I want to thank you for the intercession that you did Answere i want to thank you for the intercessions you will answer and I want to thank you for giving me my faith back because i had lost faith and you interceded to God for me thank you I will continue to honor you along with God and Mary ,Jesus , and the Holy Spirit.
    I’m sorry for Past doubts.
    As I read testimonials from thousands of people around the world. I will never give up on my hearts Desires.

  30. Dear Saint Jude,
    Please pray for my relationship with John, That even though we did not get off to the best of starts, that John may decide to give us a chance to see if we could share a life together. That the fondness and care we have shown for each other over the past 7 weeks is worth giving the chance of growing into something special. All I ask is that he give us a chance and not decide after one meeting that there is noting there.


  31. St. Jude i pray for Chris, and Willie. May they be successful with their school and studies. Also bless their finances with abundance and debts paid. I also pray this for all of our family and friends.

  32. St Jude please hold our family together. My husband is wanting to leave me and we are also in jeopardy of losing our home. Our whole family is in need of your intervention dear St Jude! Please bring healing to us all.

  33. I want to thank you, St. Jude for helping me in the past. Now I’m coming to you for another intercession from you. My daughter is a single parent with two children. She finished getting her license as an RN in April, but has
    been unable to find a job in her field. Please, St. Jude, see that she get a job in her field soon. Please intercede in her behalf, so that God will help her.

  34. Kr Dear St.Jude I humbly request you hear my petitions and help my husband with his depression and help him find a job

  35. Dear Saint Jude Please grant my petition of much needed assistance financially to pay my electrical service,It will be disconnected after the 10th of October.Please help me Saint Jude

  36. Please St. Jude pray for my Uncle Orlando who has cancer and is very weak and frail. Thank you

  37. St Jude please help the relationship between Todd and I work out and be fixed. Please help us to work things out and live a happy life together. Please help for both of us to find forgiveness towards each other and move forward together in life. Please let us have another chance at spending our lives together.

  38. Please St Jude intercede for my husband Joe. He is in need of healing for both of his eyes. Glaucoma and Cataracts in both eyes. In Jesus Christ Holy name I pray. Tha m You St Jude

  39. st jude i pray and ask of you to help me in getting my job back i was terminated for something i did do;so i ask your intersesion

  40. Dear St. Jude, Please help me not lose my home. My husband thinks we should sell our home as he thinks we need to downsize. I am devastated. He refused to get a part time job that would h er ‘ll us afford yo stay in our home. I work, but we need more to stay in our home . I have practically begged my husband but he refuses to agree with me. I live a block from my job aowomoond even work out of my house, and I will lose my clients if we move. He sees no debt if we sell, but my life will never be the same. I am 70 years old. Please intercede for me. Thank you.

  41. Dear Blessed St. Jude, please help my sons find love and succeed in school and work. Also, may the paternity test results go in favor of my son that maddie is ours. I ask st. jude to intercede for me. Amen.

  42. Saint Jude you are my hope My name is Bhavani.Actually I don’t have any hope on my situation. But I believe that saint Anthony shows you. He my prayer request is about my love. I know u know everything about this. But still I am telling you is Rajeev asked me to marry him. I accepted because I just know about him positively. I loving him alot. Even at home I told about him. Due to some forces my parents revealed it to my relatives. But now he is not talking to me from 9 months. I want him back in my life. I want to marry Rajeev. Otherwise please kill me my god. I don’t want any other as my husband in my life except Rajeev. Please please please please get him back to me please . .

  43. Dear St. Jude, Please intercede so the ongoing strife, tension, misunderstandings and bad feelings between me and my wife, me and my children and my wife and my children are removed and peace and harmony in the relationship restored.

  44. Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone.
    Intercede with God for me that He bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly –
    Please intercede for me and Bryan that God will fully restore communication between us immediately and permanently, and remove any and all doubts, fears, ego, obstacles and road blocks that are keeping us apart, and allow Bryan to see that I am the perfect and only woman for him. Please pray that God will touch Bryan’s heart and fill it with much love for me and make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. Pray for God’s mercy and blessings, and that God may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other in a committed and loving relationship. Pray that God will keep Bryan free of all temptations and guide him back HOME into my loving arms permanently, and always put us in each others heart and mind. I ask this is in the Most Holy Name of Jesus… Thank you and may God bless you abundantly
    You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for me and my intentions! O St. Jude, pray that God’s grace and mercy will cover my intentions. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will.
    – and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you.
    (Say 3 Our Father’s, 3 Hail Mary’s, and 3 Glory Be’s after this.)
    Our Father, Who art in heaven,
    Hallowed be Thy Name.
    Thy Kingdom come.
    Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil. Amen.

    Hail Mary,
    Full of Grace,
    The Lord is with thee.
    Blessed art thou among women,
    and blessed is the fruit
    of thy womb, Jesus.
    Holy Mary,
    Mother of God,
    pray for us sinners now,
    and at the hour of death

    Glory be to the Father,
    and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now,
    and ever shall be,
    world without end.

    • Long But worth the read…I PROMISE
      Thank you Holy St Jude for prayers answered at the time of this post you brought extreme tears and disbelief to me,not that i didn’t believe in Miracles and My Fathers working ,but for this one ,tho small to some to most the very next day after finishing this Novena My fiance’ return home the very next day. i did this one for nine days at the same time this was actually my second one the first one i did two days before and he called out of the blue after i hadn’t spoken to him in days.Even tho it seem to get harder and harder where i felt like St Jude,Jesus or even God was not listening i kept on thinking what can it hurt to finish out the 9 days. And on the ninth day i prayed and we i spoke to him later on that night ,then we got into a huge fight i went to bed thinking oh well i prayed it it didn’t work so be it…that Morning he called and one hr later he was at door moving back in.Exactly what i had prayed….SHOCKED I continued to pray every day writing letters to my Lord and Jesus and St. Jude ,Mother Mary and the Holy Spirit for us and our family and our home.Every thing improved day after day.Right not Im currently doing it again as we have been broken up for two weeks now and im sic but its because i got to comfortable and i allowed a past decision cloud my mind for just a sec and cost me my hard work.I would say never give up.(i decided to write what i did as i am embarrassed i figure here goes)

      Im trying Hard not give up this time as the first time we split up so much went on during that period that i don’t want to go thru the same thing again.we both did somethings at first that im ashamed of and im sure and hope he is too.when i should have just keep my faith at the beginning of our break and it may have not lasted as long as it did.My plan now is to start faithfully and committed and continue faithfully and committed.Im going to make sure that if God see fit this time we will pray together and i wont get beside myself and lose site of my ultimate plan… to live by his word together forever and make sure our children don’t get suck into false prophets as i did for a min.If you have to second guess certain things cause you know its not right don’t.When i say i was desperate to get my family back the first time i was….witch craft, voodoo,mind control any thing i could think of ungodly to bring him home.sorry i would pray then sit down and try witchcraft or spend foolish money online for it hundreds of dollars thinking the more i spent the best chances it would lead him back…..i know Father Forgive me…
      it wasn’t til i stopped and realize enough is enough its time for more praying that’s when i stopped and researched praying in different ways never heard of a Novena til March of 2016 thats when i started by the next month Intercessions were manifesting left and right. Which of course LEAD to my Blessing and a second Chance for Us.i prayed everyday over us morning noon and night as things seem to improve not perfect but i saw his work everyday THEN.. I received a witch spell via email in August for increasing Love and thought hey im praying a lil spell wont hurt things r improving but i want to see more fast (yeah i Know foolish) I Ordered and paid for the spell on line on 29/July the Witch stated she would cast spell on Tues 2 August.We had a blow up on the 3rd of August moved out same day now the 19th of August back to praying.this time i erased every thing that is of the devil and i have rebuked the Devil in the name of Jesus in my Home in My Relationship In my Life completely.
      i Will Continue to pray to get my family back for good when it start to feel like God is not listening and things seem to get worst pray harder the Devil is getting mad cause your Father is working HARDER and he gets upset .
      Pray for my Restoration and Reconciliation of me and Bryan Immediately and Permanently.Amen
      Lead him Back Home to our Loving family to Rebuild and Restore…Today Amen.

  45. Pray for my sister Dotty who is battling lung cancer.

  46. Dear St. Jude, please grant me this one and only wish for the new job I have discovered. It is well within my experience and capabilities and I believe it is a matter of the proper person viewing my credentials properly. I desperately need to get my career on the right track and I am confident that this job will meet my needs throughout my career. I promise to maintain and strengthen my loyalty and devotion to you for the rest of my days as well as to enhance my stewardship duties to my Church even more than I currently do.
    I thank you for this assistance and will thank you daily for the rest of my life.

  47. Dear St. Jude, I’ve been battling an eating disorder for ten years. I have tried so many remedies and known no long term cure. This ED affects every aspect of my life– especially how I relate to my family. I beg of you to cure me — and if not to cure me, than to show how I can obtain long-term management of this illness. I ask in the name of Lord Jesus Christ and through your powerful intercession. Amen.

  48. Dear Blessed Apostle St Jude, please help my son get employment now. He has been unemployed for almost a year. Since the oil has lowered, his field is almost non-existed. He wants a stable enviorment and has been applying in various areas, particularly grocery management. Please intercede on his behalf. I beg you to appeal to God and His Son.
    Thank you for your aid in this situation.

  49. Dear saint jude, please bring teme back to me. He is my only love. He is a goos person. Teach him to stop philandering and lead him back to me

  50. Jennifer Johanes

    Dear Saint Jude, please answer my prayer now. I really need money to settle my debt now. Please…

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